I was found not guilty in a DUI charge (after 18 months!) and the court okay\’ed my driver\’s license. I went to the registry, but they denied my reinstatement stating immediate threat. The hearing officer never looked at the paperwork. What do I do?

ATTORNEY ANSWER: Any person aggrieved by a decision from the RMV can file an appeal to the Board of Appeals.  There also should be a report supporting why they believe you present an immediate threat to the public.

I was found not guilty in a DUI charge (after 18 months!) and the court okay\’ed my driver\’s license. I went to the registry, but they denied my reinstatement stating immediate threat. The hearing officer never looked at the paperwork. What do I do? Read More »

I was found not guilty in a DUI charge (after 18 months!) and the court okay\’ed my driver\’s license. I went to the registry, but they denied my reinstatement stating immediate threat. The hearing officer never looked at the paperwork. What do I do?

ATTORNEY ANSWER: Any person aggrieved by a decision from the RMV can file an appeal to the Board of Appeals.  There also should be a report supporting why they believe you present an immediate threat to the public.

I was found not guilty in a DUI charge (after 18 months!) and the court okay\’ed my driver\’s license. I went to the registry, but they denied my reinstatement stating immediate threat. The hearing officer never looked at the paperwork. What do I do? Read More »

Can I appeal the suspension of my driver\’s license, even though the trial for my Massachusetts OUI charge has not happened yet?

ATTORNEY ANSWER: Yes, Under G.L. ch. 90, s. 24 (1)(g) if you have REFUSED the breath test you can within 15 days after your arrest have a hearing at the RMV in Boston to determine whether the suspension is valid.  If the appeal to the RMV is denied you can petition the District Court that

Can I appeal the suspension of my driver\’s license, even though the trial for my Massachusetts OUI charge has not happened yet? Read More »

Can I appeal the suspension of my driver\’s license, even though the trial for my Massachusetts OUI charge has not happened yet?

ATTORNEY ANSWER: Yes, Under G.L. ch. 90, s. 24 (1)(g) if you have REFUSED the breath test you can within 15 days after your arrest have a hearing at the RMV in Boston to determine whether the suspension is valid.  If the appeal to the RMV is denied you can petition the District Court that

Can I appeal the suspension of my driver\’s license, even though the trial for my Massachusetts OUI charge has not happened yet? Read More »

Commonwealth v. K.H. – Plymouth District Court (Plympton MA Police Department)

Charge:            OUI-First Offense Result:            Not Guilty Client stopped for speeding during a winter storm.   Plympton police Roadway was snow covered and slick strong odor eyes glassy and bloodshot admission to drinking  finger to nose exited vehicle slowly, one leg stand and walk and turn did not complete, refused BT. Trial snow conditions were an issue

Commonwealth v. K.H. – Plymouth District Court (Plympton MA Police Department) Read More »

Commonwealth v. S.Y. – Wrentham Distric Court (Norfolk MA Police Department)

Charge: OUI- First Offense Result: Not Guilty Client stopped for speeding 71 in a 50.  Pulled over with no problems.  Produced his license and registration with no problems.  Client admitted to consuming 8 beers, ut the officer did not ask over what time period he had consumed those beers.  Client asked to step from car

Commonwealth v. S.Y. – Wrentham Distric Court (Norfolk MA Police Department) Read More »