I was arrested at a DUI roadblock on the Cape.

Additional Information:

Over the long holiday weekend, I was stopped in a DUI roadblock coming back from Cape Cod.  I had a few drinks much earlier in the day.  I was arrested for drunk driving.  What can I do now to fight it?


Typically, sobriety checkpoint or roadblock cases are easier to defend because there is no erratic driving behavior.  Additionally, as a result of recent court decisions many of the Roadblock cases are being dismissed because the State Police are not following their own regulations.  For a free consultation please feel free to give me a call, at 617-271-2646.


Cape Cod Drunk Driving Defense Lawyer, Attorney James Milligan represents clients charged with DUI DWI OUI in Barnstable County including Barnstable, Cummaquid, Centerville, Cotuit, Hyannis, Marstons Mills, Osterville, West Barnstable, West Hyannisport, Bourne, Buzzards Bay, Monument Beach, Pocasset, Sagamore, Brewster, Chatham, Chathamport, North Chatham, South Chatham, West Chatham, Dennis, Dennis Port, East Dennis, South Dennis, West Dennis, Yarmouth Port, North Eastham, Falmouth, East Falmouth, Hatchville, North Falmouth, Teaticket, Waquoit, West Falmouth, Woods Hole, Harwich, East Harwich, Harwich Center, Harwich Port, Northwest Harwich, Mashpee, Mashpee Neck, Monomoscoy Island, New Seabury, Popponesset, Popponesset Island, Seabrook, Seconsett Island, Orleans, East Orleans, Provincetown, Provincetown, Sandwich, East Sandwich, Forestdale, Truro, North Truro, Wellfleet, Yarmouth, South Yarmouth, West Yarmouth, and Yarmouth Port.